Ciru Njuguna Narrates How She Dated Her Agemate before Meeting Her 60 Year Old Mzungu Husband

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Ciru Njuguna Narrates How She Dated Her Agemate before Meeting Her 60 Year Old Mzungu Husband

Ciru Njuguna narrates how she dated her agemate before meeting her 60 year old mzungu husband. The mother of two said that the relationship was good but Greg was more mature and understands her better than her ex-boyfriend.

“I find myself feeling special every single day. Also, I’m not saying Kenyan men don’t treat their women special…what I’m saying is for my experience, it has been a bit different,” she stated

The 29 years old indulged her lover with love saying he was funny and supportive. Ciru Njuguna said that they became famous after their tiktok video of them dancing went viral. Ciru in an interview said that she was 20 years old when she met Greg and in her entire life she dated two men. She said that her ex-boyfriend was her agemate  and they dated for sometime before meeting Greg.

“He was my first boyfriend. I was in A level in Uganda when I met him,” she stated

Ciru also added the relationship with her Ex-boyfriend was different with that of Greg

“It was very different. Emotions were very high especially on my end and it was more of an obsession for me more which was toxic for me. It made me be not a very favourable partner in that relationship but yes we had very good times. I’m glad I had that experience because he shows me that I’m not losing out on anything,” she narrated.

The Nakuru lady has however been criticized often for getting married to a man 32 years older than her.

“A relationship is just a relationship whether you’re dating a younger or older partner,” she said.

Ciru stated that people trolled them when they first went public. However she said that she still lives her life to the fullest despite the troll as they do not affect her in any way. She also added that most people are not used to relationships such as hers with Greg

“We felt the hater, discomfort, that people had towards our relationship. They are still there, but we don’t experience them as much as we used to before,” she stated

“I understand them. It hasn’t affected me in any way. I still live my life and enjoy it to the fullest. I’m so blessed to have this man in my life,” she stated

She also compared her relationship with her older spouse and of her agement and stated that her current relationship was better.

“He (Greg) advises me about some things in life since he has more experience than me we plan better. If I were with someone who is my agemate, there would be a problem with that…I like the way we plan things together, the way he is thoughtful…,” Ciru stated.

She also added that: “He loves me more than someone my age would. He takes me more seriously He takes our relationship keenly and delicately.”

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