US elections stalemate

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The presidential elections in the USA are turning out to be tenser than expected. Electorates went to the ballot on 4th November 2020 in large numbers than it has been seen before. All US citizens are anxiously waiting to get the final results.

Several other US citizens are worried because they fear that the country may experience post-election violence because of the experienced heated campaigns.

The white house’s race is turning out to be excruciatingly tight, one than what many anticipated. As of Wednesday, the race hung on the balance with relatively small contested states on the verge of deciding the outcome.

As the race tightens, President Trump took the US and the world at large by surprise when he declared that he had won the election. He even went further to make claims that there was electoral fraud going on.

Trump even threatened that his team was headed to the US Supreme court to stop the voting and counting process.

The Democratic candidate has at 7 pm on Wednesday, had opened up a narrow lead in Wisconsin and Michigan even as the counting of mail votes was still ongoing. The two midwestern regarded as battlegrounds are likely to play a significant role in who wins the election. Trump, in 2016 succeeded in these two states.

Another state that is yet to tally the votes as of 7 pm Wednesday is Nevada; here, Bidden also had a small advantage even as the talking was continuing.

Various opinion polls had predicted a big win for Bidden nationwide for months. The polls also indicated that the race could be tight in the battleground states.

The world is waiting so patiently to see who carries the day. Though the biggest question is, what will happen after the results are declared? As some American residents remain worried about the post-election violence, it remains unclear why trump had to announce himself as the winner.:


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