Akothee: I want a baby through Artificial Inseminations

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Kenyan singer and entrepreneur Akothee now claims that she wants a second child, but without the complications associated with having a child with a man.

The contentious performer, who is currently in France, stated she intends to undergo artificial insemination, which is defined by WebMD as the process in which a doctor directly inserts sperm into a woman’s cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus.


The singer of “Hayakuhusu” claimed that although she loves children, she has chosen to pursue a career in science because she is currently single.


“I have a treat for children. I want to avoid getting pregnant at 45, but I miss something. It appears that finding a partner won’t be possible anytime soon. Here in France, I’ll undergo artificial insemination, wrote Akothee on Instagragm.


So please don’t ask me about the father when you see me pregnant. All I want is a drama-free birth of my own child. This life is yours to live however you choose.


Currently, Akothee is the mother of 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys, with 3 baby daddies.


I will not get another child Abel Mutua said

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