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Yesterday, 20/3/2021, reported news of a plane crash in Marsabit town. The crash occurred around the Kofia Mbaya area in the morning hours. Two casualties have been reported. The plane was carrying class eight exam papers.

Police have reported at the scene and confirmed the demise of the pilot and co-pilot. Rescue efforts are still undergoing. The alarming thing is that the plane crashed precisely the same site where the 2006 plane crashed. The aircraft was carrying peace ambassadors on a peace-keeping mission in Marsabit. Among those who died were legislator Godana Bonaya and Mirugi Kariuki, a minister at a time who crashed some years ago.

The sad thing is that only the scrape that of the plane remained. Also, the crash left exam papers of unknown worth destroyed. The education cabinet secretary, professor George Magoha has confirmed the plane crash in Marsabit town. he urged the residents to be cautious because the area seems to be a black spot. Together with their parents, all students have been advised to remain calm and reduce tension for the exam will continue as planned.

He added that the government and the exam body are aware that they were at home for a very long period following the Covid pandemic outbreak.

also read:Shakilla is at it Again

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