Uhuru’s Niece Nana Gecaga Celebrates 23 Years Of Sobriety

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The niece of President Uhuru, Nana Gecaga, recently celebrated 23 years sober.

According to the CEO of the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, her choice to give up alcohol has shaped who she is today.


She said, “I am 23 years sober today, and I do not take it for granted. I know there are many people out there who are struggling with alcoholism, and I want to say…keep on going, the race is with yourself.”


She urged those who are battling alcoholism to be open to seeking assistance.


“As difficult as it may be, look for people nearby and never be embarrassed to ask for assistance. My life changed the day I asked for assistance, she claimed.


In addition, Nana stated that she had no idea she would be the CEO of KICC or a wonderful mother to her three boys 23 years ago.


“I could not have imagined that I could be as strong, independent, and grateful for each day as I am.


The value of your sobriety is more important than anything else, so please take your life seriously. Keep going until you find yourself, and you will, she advised.


Nana once related how, at the age of 21, alcoholism almost claimed her life.

I entered a rehab facility for alcohol addiction when I was 21 years old. At the time, I used alcohol to numb the pain of other issues in my life. She admitted to MC Jessy, “I started drinking to forget and feel numb, but soon I got hooked.


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